Can I Get Something for You?
Welcome to The Protein Pub. Party of one? In this blog, I want to share my experience and clear up misconceptionsand myths that some people might have about nutrition, workout, supplements, and anatomy for having a healthy lifestyle. Before starting, I want to make you, guys, acknowledge that I am not a professional on the subject, yet I have tried different ways of losing weight, building muscle and strength since I was fifteen years old. I started worrying more about my physique in high school because I felt ugly and uncomfortable with myself, so I started trying to lose weight in an unhealthy form. I stopped taking meals. For breakfast, I usually dunked a cookie in coffee and that was it, and I always skipped lunch and waited until I get home to eat something lighter. I never lost wight because this practice fires back in different ways, and I wasn’t aware of it. First, it does the opposite to what you are thinking of. It causes your metabolism to slow down, w...